fall into TO FOXHOLE ...
FOX·HOLE (fäksˌhōl) noun 1. the den or burrow of a fox. 2. a hole in the ground used by troops as a shelter against enemy fire or as a firing point.
Meet Jeff - Born and raised in the Mojave Desert, he joined the Army immediately after high school. He served a 4 year contract in Field Artillery with 1 tour in Iraq (2003). After the military Jeff has been all over the place. He had his own skateboard shop in Oklahoma, did marketing & team managment for skateboard & streetwear brands, has been "picking" everywhere he travels over the years, and even ran away and joined Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus... yes people still do that this day and age! He likes to keep moving and fortunately for Foxhole , it keeps the shop always re-stocked and full of new stories! Jeff & Fox's first date was even at a swap meet so you can pretty much say they were supposed to meet and put their love of denim and finding fun junk together to create the Foxhole!
Meet Fox - A Los Angeles native fashion designer & a 4th generation retail entrepreneur. Miss Fox was raised in a home of rockers, hippies and vintage fashion so she was naturally born into being obsessed with denim. Fox has been designing for the last 10 years in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Shanghai, and Paris. She has also been repairing, repurposing, and recycling denim for years for friends and family. In 2011 she met the man of her dreams and they put their talents & passions together to create the Foxhole!
“If you want something you’ve never had then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done!”